If you had a car accident, please seek an immediate medical or chiropractic evaluation. Whiplash injury is very common injury to neck and ...
You will receive a full evaluation and individualized treatment in our Wilmington, Delaware clinic.
The most technologically advanced treatments are used for pain management.
Our Wilmington chiropractor is certified in Chiropractic and all staff are well trained.
Our clinic feels like a comfortable health & wellness in the Wilmington, Delaware area.
Auto accidents, worker injuries, and Pediatric care for the Wilmington community.
The only doctor who speaks Spanish, Korean, and English in Wilmington, DE area.
¿Le duele el cuello, la espalda, cabeza, los brazos y las piernas? Marque para un chequeo y tratamiento con la Doctora quien habla Español No deje que los malestares se acumulen!